Picture of Niso A<br><div style="margin-top:-8px;font-size:80%;padding-bottom:11px;">Trust us - It's EZ</div>
Niso A
Trust us - It's EZ

Hi. This is Niso, the owner of Colorado EZ Locksmith. Our locksmith is a locally-owned business that has been providing Denver, CO locksmith services for over 12 years. We offer residential, automotive and commercial lock installation and repair services.

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Can A Locksmith Open A Housedoor Without Breaking The Lock?

Have you ever found yourself in an unfortunate locked-out situation? You’re stepping outside for a moment to grab your groceries from the car and your house door clicks shut behind you. Worry not, we’ve all been there. 

Now, before you go around finding a rock to break your window or attempt a DIY pick-locking job, it’s best to reach out to a professional, residential locksmith to get the job done. 

Will a Locksmith Break your Lock? 

Spoiler alert: they usually don’t. 

When calling a locksmith in times of distress, a common worry amongst residents is often whether or not their lock is a goner. The good news, however, is that professional locksmiths are trained to open all sorts of locks by causing minimum damage. 

Non-Destructive Entry Techniques

A professional locksmith will always go to any length to make sure your lock is undamaged. Here are some common techniques they employ to ensure this: 

1. Lock Picking

One of the most popular methods is lock picking and it’s often the first resort. Using specialized tools, they’re able to manipulate the pins inside the lock such that the lock opens without needing a key. While this technique is seldom mastered, it’s the most reliable approach. 

2. Lock Bumping

If you’ve got a pin tumbler lock, lock bumping is a useful way to get back inside your home and resume your everyday activities. Your locksmith will use a bump key, which is specially designed for the job. When tapped with a screwdriver or mullet, the pins inside the lock are forced into alignment, turning the lock. 

3. Impressioning 

Another non-destructive entry technique is by using a blank key and inserting it inside the lock. Once inserted, the blank key is impressed with marks. These marks indicate the pins for the locks. Your locksmith can then file down the blank key to make a new, working key. Voila! Your door’s unlocked. 

4. Bypassing

Though not frequently employed, bypassing involves manipulating the lock in such a way that the pins aren’t touched at all. Padlock shimming means using a small piece of metal, which allows you to separate the locking bolt from the shackle in the padlock. 

When Non-Destructive Methods Aren’t an Option

Like we said, residential locksmiths will always make sure your locks aren’t impaired during the job. However, that doesn’t mean that all situations are alike. Sometimes, for example, when your lock is already damaged or if you have a particularly high-security lock, non-destructive techniques don’t always cut it. 

Even then, a professional locksmith will ensure they cause minimal damage despite resorting to destructive methods. Here’s how: 

1. Drilling

The first common approach is drilling. This method involves using a power drill to create an opening in the lock which allows the locksmith to easily manipulate the lock. Drilling is an invasive procedure, but hey, at least you’re inside, right? 

2. Snapping 

Snapping can only be done if you have a particular kind of cylinder lock. By applying pressure precisely to the lock cylinder, the lock can be broken at the weakest point. This makes it possible to not only remove the broken cylinder but also access the internal locking mechanism. 

Prevention is Better than Cure 

It can be reassuring for you to know that your locksmith will leave no stone unturned when it comes to securing your lock. With that said though, sometimes, taking some preventive measures can help ensure you’re never locked out in the first place. 

Here’s some nifty tips to help you stay prepared: 

1. Have a Spare Key

This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s surprising just how many people don’t have a backup key on them for situations like these. You can keep a spare in your car, hidden somewhere near a flower pot on your doorstep, or hand it over to a trusted neighbor. 

2. Install a Key Safe

Sometimes hiding your spare key under your doormat or elsewhere for that matter can give way to security threats. Instead, you can get a key safe installed outside your home that only opens with a code you and your family know. 

3. Upgrade to a Smart Lock

When all else fails, a smart lock can come to your rescue. Smart locks can be opened with a single tap on your smartphone application and it means you’re never locked out again! 

Peace of Mind with a Professional Locksmith 

So, can a residential locksmith help unlock your house door without damaging it? Yes, they can! And in the off chance non-destructive methods don’t cut it, they’ll still make sure that the damage to your property is minimal. 

Whether you’re locked out of your home in the middle of the night or at the peak of the day, EZ Locksmith can help you get back inside with no trouble at all. Contact us today! 

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